Use what the Pros use to creat incredible faux-finish effects!

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Ghost Pearl paint comes out in the sun for true pearlescent effects!

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Candy and pearl powders are great for creating incredible interior decorating FAUX FINISH effects in your home or business.

Bronze Candy Sponged onto a brown wall for an antique look custom faux finish paint.

TIP#1: Faux finish glaze with pearl or Candy powdered pearl pigments is super-hot right now. It is achieved by mixing pigment into clear glaze or water-based polyurethane, and applying it to the existing latex paint on the wall with a brush. USING A ROLLER OR A SPRAYER DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF FAUX FINISH, SO use sponges, rags, brushes or any other faux finish technique that you are familiar with.

TIP#2: One bag of our Candy or pearl pigment will treat up to a gallon of glaze or clear poly, but it is advisable to mix it about a quart at a time to get your desired consistency.

TIP#3: Pick a base color that your pearled Candy FAUX FINISH will look good over. A flattering base color makes all the difference. For instance, a blue ghost pearl would look nice over a light blue or grey paint. A gold pearl looks nice over reds, greens, oranges, or browns. Experimentation is the key.

TIP#4: Applying a little pearl faux finish over white or black latex paint can create a great custom paint effect! Our flip colors are designed to paint over black, so getting color changing results depends on applying several coats over a black base. Our Carribean Gold chameleon pearl has been used in theater to create backgrounds that resemble realistic water.

Making your white walls look like pearl is simple by using a white or silver pearl in glaze over your paint. We plan on releasing many more pictures soon displaying the uses of pearls in your home finishes.

Shop my Candy powders right here


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