Our new True Chameleon Paints are truly dazzling. With the ability to create a multi-colored automotive paint with minimal coatings, these are going to revolutionize the market of automotive painting. So many companies are tring to charge a 3000 dollar per gallon price, but the paint can be made easily by the consumer by simply mixing it into your clear binder or intercoat clear. Spray over a black base coat, and top-coat with a quality clear topcoat. People see our paints and speculate that they are the same as the really expensive chameleon paints. They are that good. Amazing effects can be reached when you use our chameleons on just about any project. Whether you use it in your home, or for automotive uses, it is versatile and cool. Create custom flooring that changes color, custom paint your motorcycle, or make your old car look like an amazing custom ride.
I normally spend about 50 dollars on a quart of clear base, and 25 dollars on a gallon of reducer. That means about 175 dollars will make a good 1/2 gallon of Chameleon Paint that is ready to spray. That is less than what normal auto paint costs! I just priced a gallon of Chameleon at my local store and found that it was 3000 dollars! NO WAY!
True Chameleons can also be used with our pearl paint, or our other metal flakes.
Black base coat: You may mix any of the chameleon paint pigments into any of our ghost pearls or metal flakes, but keep in mind that using too much will make the project take on the color of the pearl and overwhelm the chameleon. The effects that you can acheive are endless.
Remember, creating a one-of-a-kind custom paint job isn't buying it from a can. There are literally millions of make them yourself colors available at your fingertips with very little experimentation. At our prices, anyone could buy a few of our products and create never before seen colors.
If you are still confused over which products would look good over your existing paint, or want to discuss your options, contact us! We always try to make ourselves available to painters and powder coaters for extra advise. As with any paint project, paint test panels before you begin, so that you aceive the custom paint effect that you want!
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